Acne mind f_ck cover.png

Have you been silently struggling with acne and doing ALL of the things for it?

Are you so ready to move on and stop obsessing about it?

Then this is for you.

I have been there, and in hindsight I realized…

The hardest part about having acne wasn’t the acne at all….

It was how I felt about myself because I had acne.

Ashamed, guilty… Depressed.

I wanted to hide and not come out again until my skin was clear. It was hard to face the day knowing the weight that lived on my face for the whole world to see.

Having acne was a total MINDFUCK.

It made me question everything I knew about myself.

It made me believe that I was less than everyone else because they had clear skin. And there was no changing that.

I believed that if I JUST had clear skin everything would be right in my life. I could FINALLY be happy.

Having acne consumed my entire identity and yet I spent SO much time trying to hide my dirty little secret from the world.

The truth is, it was never really the acne at all. It was me. I didn’t like myself let alone love myself. I mean how could I when my skin looked the way it did?

I didn’t even know how my friends, family, or loved ones could handle looking at me.

Because I couldn’t handle looking at myself.

Can you relate?

The truth is, the real problem was MUCH deeper than anything I ever thought possible.

That answer was within me all along, and I’d like to share that with you in this masterclass series so that YOU - yes YOU - can begin to embrace all that you are, exactly as you are.

You deserve to be HAPPY. with Acne or not.

so let’s get you there.

This is a recording of a live masterclass.

Here’s what this masterclass entails:

In this masterclass you will learn exactly how doing THIS acne mindfuck work can actually be THE CATALYST TO FINALLY clearing your skin. It’s SCIENCE.

This is my superpower: Using the mind to heal the body. It can be yours too.

In this masterclass you’ll learn all about OVERCOMING the mindfuck that is acne so you can turn around and own your life and skin again.

I’ll share the exact methods I use with myself and my clients to begin the process of first accepting, and eventually even loving yourself with or without acne.

In this masterclass I will share with you the KEY to unlocking your deep inner knowing of worthiness and hope.

In this masterclass you’ll get to experience the full embodying of YOU.

And last but not least, in the masterclass you will have the opportunity to begin to actually SEE and FEEL it for YOURSELF. Not anyone else. YOU.

This Masterclass is $111

Let’s do this thing.