I've struggled with acne since I was 11. 

I had tried everything to clear my skin - 

  • Proactiv
  • Obagi
  • NuSkin
  • Avon
  • Duac
  • Tetrocycline
  • Spironilactone
  • Birth control pills (yaz)
  • Tazorac
  • Murad
  • plus any random infomercial I saw, and every other miracle cure that came my way.

Here's how the process usually went: My skin got worse, then it got a bit better, then it got even worse than it was even before I started using the products.

Can we say #FAIL!?

This happened with ALL OF THEM. My skin was horrible in high school and afterwards, through my early twenties. Things for me got the worst for me as an adult after I got myself healthy and went off the pill in November 2013. That's really when all hell broke loose with my skin.

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It was a really tough time for me. I was eating really well with Paleo, I was working out by doing Bikram yoga like crazy, I was following all natural topical advice to a T, and I felt like I was doing "everything right". But my skin was awful. Then I got diagnosed with PCOS and felt like I couldn't catch a break.

 I read as much as I could, listened to podcasts, and tried to absorb as much info as possible because I was desperate and determined to heal myself 100% naturally. I knew for sure that I was NEVER EVER going to go back to doing things the wrong way with the doctors and topical treatments that never worked because they were just bandaids on a bullet wound. I pulled back from doing bikram, I did a few rounds of the 21 Day Sugar Detox, an AIP Whole 30, changed my topical treatments, reevaluated by priorities, and most importantly I changed my internal dialog. Those are just some of the contributing factors. 

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From early 2015 to present day 2018 has been the first time in my life that I have had clear skin using 100% natural methods and not relying on any pill, laser, or skincare 'system'. If you want to read more about my acne journey then read THIS blog post!

Healing acne naturally is hard and complicated and I did it alone. Despite looking for help everywhere, I felt like I never really found anyone who knew my struggle. There was so much trial and error, so many tears and so many mean words towards myself while trying to figure everything out. But now that I've made it through, I'm SO grateful for it all.

Review by Stephanie Parkinson

Review by Stephanie Parkinson

Message from Jessica Gonzalez

Message from Jessica Gonzalez

There are SO many people out there struggling just like me - just like you! You are not alone in this!

I didn't even really touch on the whole emotional side of having bad acne. When I was in my teens I just assumed it would clear up when I got older but that was unintentionally just another lie fed to me by people who meant well but clearly had no idea what they were talking about. That goes along with all of the horrible acne advice I took over the years. The thousands upon thousands of dollars I've spent towards attempting to heal my skin is insane but I'm happy I did it.

Try It My Way is an opportunity for you to work with me 1:1 for 90 days. I'll give you all the tools you need to succeed.

No one should have to feel lost and alone. If you have acne then just know that you're NOT alone and most importantly it IS possible to clear your skin naturally! 

I only take 5 new enrollments a month because of the amount of time I dedicate to each participant and the demand is high!!

if you would like a spot in  try it my way then please complete an application!