I'm honestly so excited right now to be writing my very first blog post in my new virtual home: TPB Blog!! I have actually owned this website for MONTHS but the thought of putting it all together used to overwhelm me like crazy. Like legit pulling my hair with anxiety and frustration type of overwhelm because I always had a million other things going on at the same time and ain't nobody got time for that. So I just linked this domain to my old blog back in July in order have some time to get a grip on my sanity without fully wasting my money. I almost even hired someone to do the work for me since that would be the smart entrepreneur decision to make as far as prioritizing time goes, BUT I decided to save my money and put all of me into this project instead and here we are!
Also right now I have a winter break from the ballet company so besides teaching in the evenings and obviously working with my clients and coaches, I have had a ton of FREE** time to invest in my website baby. **Please note that while this time might be considered by some as technically FREE, essentially none of it has been used for typical FREE time things, like Netflix binges, shopping, going out, seeing friends, or just doing virtually anything not work related. Instead I've been using all of this FREE time for my business. So you see it's not really FREE per say because if anyone asked, I'd have to say that I'm not FREE, I'm in fact very busy. I need to come up with a term for this at a later date**
Moving on...
This website is really still is a baby and I'm slowly but surely adding more content, customizing an editing everything, but I'm also taking my time to make sure I don't mess it all up. I gotta say though, I'm so proud that I did all of this on my own!!! It's a great feeling and I'm still kind of surprised that I managed it without going bald!
One thing that has been stressing me out like CRAZY though is the fact that I didn't want to lose or let go of my old blog baby. She's not even that old, I created her in September of 2013 but there's so much passion and heart in the content of those virtual pages that I feel like it's an extension of me! So I went back and forth about what I can do to preserve her and what would be the best way to go about making this transition while keeping the life of my old blog. I decided in the end to put a LINK in the title area of this here new blog for anyone who needs or wants to access any of my archives or old blog posts. I may change this at some point if I find a better solution, but for now this is the best I can do while still being a COMPLETE website noob.
UPDATE: ALL BLOG POSTS FROM OLD SITE HAVE BEEN IMPORTED TO NEW SITE and the link has been removed!! Does this mean I'm not a noob anymore!?
In case you were wondering about this magical old blog I keep referencing, there is a lot of awesome content on my old blog and it's totally worth checking out! So don't hesitate to head over there and read up on all of my crazy, to get to know me better (if you're new) or find the answers to some questions you may have burning inside! Or you know, to find something that you've read on my blog in the past and want to find again!
So I thought that I didn't have any sort of bulky lengthy post for you today (which I know seems impossible with how wordy I am) but it turns out that I kind of did have a lot to say since I kept adding things to this post after the first draft was done. Really though I just wanted to get my first post in my new virtual home, signed, sealed, and delivered kind of like signing your life away when you sign any sort of contract in real life, in order to make it official!
So consider it official. I am here. I have moved, and I'm ready for this so I hope you are too!
As always I send you my greatest love and gratitude and I thank you for going on this journey with me and my crazy self! For those of you who keep coming back for more, I mean, I can't say that I know why you do it, but I'm grateful that you do it, and please don't stop!
Merde to me and this new blogventure!! <<< see what I did there? it's like a blogging adventure but also literally just a blogging venture, made into ONE WORD... Okay I'm done!
xoxo - Harmony
OH for those of you not in the ballet world - instead of saying 'good luck' or 'break a leg' to each other before performances, we typically say 'Merde' backstage before a show!! It means shit it french so it's fitting in multiple ways!